No problem... we're chill... just doin' our thang... promoting events using the beloved brand of Cadbury Eggs... the eggs of your Easter memories.
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Eggs of Cadbury... the eggs of our lives. Taster's Choice Coffee got a market boost of 45% after this promotion. Everyone was talking about "Did you see that promotion for Taster's Choice on The Apprentice last night?" "Oh my God, I about lost my mind it was so awesome!" "Girlfriend!!! Are you going to Taster's Choice Night at Shooter's tonight?" (Shooters = Hottest nightclub in NYC)
What's that?
You've got a corporate or commercial event that needs a full-service promotion agency?
And you'd like to partner with the trusted brand of Cadbury Eggs?
We can do that.
Look at the promotion we put together for the #1 Top-rated TV Show, called "The Apprentice."
This ad campaign brought to you by the one, the only, the midwife: Joey.